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A dazzling antique crystal wind chime in Peacock colors ~ teal, aqua, sapphire, navy, emerald, purple, violet, and a few accents in gold...

Antique brass top is painted dark purple and is embellished with crystal and glass beads in purple, navy blue, cobalt, aqua Jasper, and purple. The piece is surrounded with 32 strands of crystal and glass bead and prism strands in all the beautiful colors mentioned above.

Attached to the strands are crystal teardrop prisms in teal, aqua, sapphire, blue flash, and emerald green, small Swarovski Austrian crystal pendants in violet, dark blue pendant prisms, purple pendant prisms, water drop crystal prisms in dark blue, aqua, and purple, and icicle prisms in teal. There are four gorgeous antique notched and etched lead crystal arrow head prisms that sound absolutely amazing ;-) The center strand holds a lovely faceted greenish~teal crystal ball.

Measures 4" in diameter and 25" long.

Peacock Antique Crystal Wind Chime Purple and Blues

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