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Lovely lilac/light violet and sky blue pastels blend in perfect harmony to create a serene, dazzling display of soft color and brilliant sparkle...

Antique brass top is painted pale violet and embellished with stone and crystal beads in shades of pastel blues and violets. The piece is surrounded with layers of crystal prisms in Swarovski light violet, antique green (light aqua), sky blue and clear. There are also strands of crystal and stone beads in various shades of light blue and violet, some with silver filigree bead caps, some with little rhinestones, etc. 

Attached to the strands are Swarovski antique green icicle prisms, lilac icicle prisms, large aurora borealis disk prisms, and antique notched arrowhead lead crystal prisms...this sounds delightful in a breeze :-) The center strand holds a beautiful light violet faceted crystal ball.

Measures 5" x 25".

Sky Blue and Lilac Antique Crystal Wind Chime

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